- Nursing (Accelerated BSN)
- Nursing (ADN)
- Pre-Nursing (AS)
- Life Sciences (AS)
- Biomedical Sciences (BS)
- Community Paramedicine (BS)
- Occupational Therapy (BSIHS/MOT)
- Medical Imaging (BS)
- Medical Imaging - MRI (BS)
- Nursing (RN to BSN)
- Occupational Therapy Assistant (BS)
- Respiratory Therapy (BS)
- Cabarrus Health Sciences Institute
- Community Health and Wellness (BS)
- Computed Tomography (Certificate)
- Health Sciences L&D - Education (BS)
- Health Sciences L&D - Leadership (BS)
- Med. Assist. (AS)
- Med. Assist. (Diploma)
- Occupational Therapy (MOT)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Certificate)
- Health Sciences - Education (MS)
- Health Sciences - Leadership (MS)
- Health Sciences - Clinical Research (MS)
- Nursing (MSN - Clinical Research)
- Nursing (MSN - Leadership)
- Occupational Therapy Assistant (AS)
- Surgical Technology (AS)
- Nursing (Traditional BSN)